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Parcel Points

Find a Parcel Drop-off Service Near You

Our Parcel Point network makes your life easier when sending and returning parcels. You can choose from Parcel Lockers, Parcel Postboxes, or Parcelshops to drop your parcels when and where it suits you. You can find out more about these options below.

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Parcel Points available for you

Save** when you buy your parcel postage online

Send it your way by dropping off at a Collect+ store, a parcel locker, parcel postbox, or Post Office branch. Or your postie can collect it from your door. How handy is that?

Find parcel drop-off services near you

You can also drop off parcels at the customer services point at your local Delivery Office.

Find your local Parcel Postboxes, Parcel Lockers, Parcelshops and Delivery Offices near you below.

*Special Delivery Guaranteed and stamped items are currently unavailable at Collect+.

**Save when you buy Royal Mail parcel services at versus the same services over the counter.