Response Services application form

This form covers applications for both our domestic and international Response Services. If you wish to apply for further Response Services licences, then please complete additional applications online.

Please make sure you have read the terms and conditions that apply for your chosen service. These include the applicable Response Services specific terms, the terms set out in the applicable Response Services user guide and the Royal Mail General Terms and ConditionsOpens in a new windowpdf, 469.19 KB. These documents are available from:



• and


Step 1 of 10

1. Customer details

Required fields

Customer details

Please search for your company address

(This must be a full postal address and not a PO Box address)

Enter your postcode below and select from the results displayed

Company address

Having problems? This is because you have selected the autofill address. Try typing in the first line of your address into the search facility and selecting the full address from the list displayed.