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Interested in a business account? Fill in your details and we’ll give you a call:

Please note this form is not for Customer Service type queries. To ensure your query is answered as quickly as possible and gets to the right team if needed we recommend visit the following pages:

• Business CollectionsOpens in a new window
• Tracking an itemOpens in a new window
• General business queriesOpens in a new window
• General consumer queriesOpens in a new window

Save with a parcel delivery account

Send over 20 parcels a week? Don't miss our lowest prices — open a business account today

Save with a parcel delivery account

Send over 20 parcels a week? Don't miss our lowest prices — open a business account today

Talk to us about the benefits of a business parcel delivery account


Send over 20 parcels a week

  • Save with competitive pricing
  • Streamline with free, easy shipping solutions
  • Get extra collections at your busiest times
  • Enjoy free parcel collections when you use Tracked services
  • Make the most of your account with advice from your Account Manager


Send over 20 parcels a week

Our Account Manager has been extremely helpful. I recommend Royal Mail - they're a great team to work with.

Paul Howcroft, Owner, Fancy Dress Ball
Around 1,000 businesses open a Royal Mail account every month*
Preferred by your customers

Use the UK's most trusted parcel service: 67% of online shoppers believe Royal Mail is the most reliable delivery brand*

Easy & convenient ways to ship

Our parcel shipping solutions make sending parcels easy. Streamline your business with Click & Drop, Pro Shipping, Bespoke or API Shipping

Tailored to your business

From marketplace sellers to large corporations, from SamedayTM or next-day delivery to economy options - we design a courier service to suit you

Flexible when you need us

A dedicated Account Manager makes sure you are getting the most out of your account, including extra collections and additional support at your busiest times

Watch how Sanjay, Hayley and Camilla use a Royal Mail Business Account and Click & Drop to help their businesses grow

Not sending 20 parcels a week?

Save with Click & Drop
Click & Drop

*Based on stats from 26 March-28 October 2018

**Delivery Matters, Trinity McQueen, 2018

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