Programmatic Advertising Mail Incentive

A checklist of what you'll need before you start your application:

1. Applicant details
• Company name (as registered with Companies House)
• Contact details (including email address)
• Details of any agent that is managing your application (optional)

2. Credit Payment
You have three options to receive credits either: 1) via a credit voucher, 2) into your Royal Mail account, or 3) elect payment into an account of a Royal Mail account holder that has signed a postage credit handling agreement. If you choose option 3 you will require the account holders registered email address.

3. Access Provider and UCID details
The Access Provider must sign a short Programmatic Mail side agreement before you start posting. If your chosen Access Provider has not signed an agreement, they should speak with their normal Royal Mail Wholesale contact who will prepare an agreement for them.

4. Mailmark Supply Chain ID (SCID)
The programmatic mail consolidator must be the mail originator in any SCID linked to this application.

5. Application overview giving details of what you aim to achieve.

6. Forecast volume
• Product type: Mailmark
• Format – Standard postcards are not supported please see Machinable Postcard & One Piece Mailer Specification for eligible postcards
• Weight band

Required fields


You are an agent if you are submitting the application on behalf of the customer who will benefit from the incentive.

Please ensure the above question is answered before continuing.


Please enter your details if you are acting as the Agent and submitting this application on behalf of the customer.

You and the customer will receive an acknowledgment email with a PDF copy of the application once this form is submitted. When the customer receives the confirmation email, we will inform them how we use their data they will be asked to reply confirming that they have read and understood the terms detailed in section 6. You should inform the customer how we intend to use their data as described in section 5. You are not required to accept the Terms & Conditions in section 6.



1. Customer information

Enter the details of the customer benefiting from the incentive.


Additional contact

If you want a PDF copy of the submitted application to be sent to an additional contact please enter their company name and email address below. The additional contact will also be sent full details of the outcome of your application unless you tell us otherwise. Please leave blank if not.

Credit payments

For the customer benefiting from this incentive, we will use the billing details that are provided in this application to monitor the eligible volume and calculate the credits earned. Credits will be paid in line with the T&C.

Please select how the customer, shown in Section 1, benefitting from the incentive wants to receive credits:

How to receive credits

Please enter the Royal Mail Account number of the customer benefiting from the incentive that we will use to pay credits linked to this incentive.

To choose this option the chosen account holder must be registered to receive and manage incentive credits and signed a postage credit handling agreement. Additionally, the account holder must also be responsible for paying Royal Mail for the items handed over under this incentive.

Please enter the account holder's registered email address

The account holder will be sent details of your application and informed that they have been selected to receive your postage credits. If the account holder does not agree to receive the postage credits, they will be paid via postage credit voucher.


2. Customer supply chain details that will be used for this incentive

Mailmark Supply Chain ID (SCID)

The customer shown in section 1 of this form must be the Mail Originator within any SCID that links to this application.

Additional information: Royal Mail Mailmark® service provides customers and Royal Mail with reporting and management information on mailings. The Mailmark service requires customers to include a barcode on their mail piece. The Mailmark barcode has specific requirements customers need to adhere to and must contain a unique item reference number and a Supply Chain ID. The Supply Chain ID allows us to attribute the posted volume to the correct customer. To use Mailmark services and qualify for an incentive you have to be a participant in the Mailmark supply chain. If you are not already set up as a participant please contact

Postage accounts

If the customer benefitting from this incentive has their own postage accounts, that will be used for this incentive, please add the details below.

Access Provider details

Please list all Access Providers and reference all the UCID numbers that will be used to post your volume.

Please enter the details of the Access Provider who invoices you for your mailing. The Access Provider may not be responsible for handing over your mail to Royal Mail.

UCID is the unique, identifying number assigned to you by an Access Provider for your mailings. You are likely to have multiple UCIDs if you post from more than one site and/or post under more than one postage account.

WARNING - We will use the UCIDs to calculate your credit please ensure you have entered the correct details.


3. Proposed use of the incentive

Please provide details of how much incremental volume you aim to generate throughout the incentive.

Please enter details of the actual Programmatic Advertising Mail that you have posted over the last 12 months.


4. Forecast and product details

Please enter details of the mailing campaigns that you have in plan. The minimum volume is 50,000 Mailmark items posted in Trays only.

Volume forecast by month

Enter the expected volume you intend to post within each month. Month 1 must align with the first posting date.



5. Use of your data

Please note that this section can only be completed if you are the customer submitting the application.

We will email to you to let you know we have received your application and will use the information you have provided in it to process it.

We may also use that information, including your name and contact details (email address and telephone number), to contact you to discuss customer incentives that may be of interest.

We will also inform the mail delivery provider under whose contract you are posting that you have made this application, so they can manage the contract relating to this incentive application.


6. Terms and conditions

Please note that terms can only be accepted if you are the customer submitting the application.

I have read and understood the

Royal Mail Group Incentive Scheme Framework Terms 

and the

Royal Mail Group Programmatic Advertising Mail Incentive Terms

I am duly authorised to make this application on behalf of the Customer named above.