Apply for a Business Redirection

If you have a Royal Mail Account Manager, please speak to them before completing this form.

Use this form when applying for an entire business move. If only part of your business is moving or you are leaving a multi-occupied address, please apply for a Business Diversion. To find out more about the Business Redirection Service, current prices and for the terms and conditions visit If only part of your business is moving or you're moving from a multi-occupancy address, you should consider a Business Diversion

Required fields


1. Details of organisation or sole trader

Other trading names?

Any other trading names of the above organisation or names of any other affiliated organisations at the same address whose mail needs redirecting (remember that there is a charge for each
different organisation name).




(Please write any abbreviations for the organisation and any affiliated organisations – we do not charge for abbreviations. Example: ‘Royal Mail – RM’).

Sole trader

Are you a sole trader that would also like us to redirect your personal mail? (Not available for limited companies)



2. What are your old and new addresses?

Please use our address lookup tool, and not your browser's autofill option

Browser autofill example


What's the old address you'd like your mail redirected from?

Start typing your address below and select from the results displayed

Can't find your address?


What's the new address? Where are you moving to?

Start typing your address below and select from the results displayed

Can't find your address?


Number of employees *




3. Tell us about your Redirection

How long do you want the Redirection for? *

Please note: we need at least 5 working days to set up the Redirection from the day we receive your application at our Redirection Centre.

Also, we can only redirect mail from a PO Box for up to 6 months.


How are you going to pay?

Select one: *




4. Your details


Company type

Please choose which type of organisation you're making the application for.


Please provide a copy of the court order, resolution, notice or other evidence – e.g. letter on headed paper showing your appointment as liquidator, receiver or trustee in bankruptcy, which has been certified by a solicitor. Please upload this below, along with the required identification types in lists A and B. The ID should relate to:

• The address and name of the appointed liquidator you’ve requested we redirect TO


• The address and name of the business you’ve requested we redirect FROM

It is a criminal offence to apply to redirect mail without proper authority.


Identification we require for your security

We will need some identification in order to process your application. For each different organisation name on your application we will need two forms of identification, one from list A and one from list B below.

ID MUST be registered to the address you are redirecting from.

List A: Proof of Organisation
Please provide your Company Registration Document or Company bank/Building society or credit card statement

(For Sole Traders ONLY we will accept a Bank/Building Society Statement, Full Passport, any nationality, or Driving Licence Photo Card)


List B: Proof of old address
Please provide a business rate demand or a Utility Bill (We will not accept bills printed from the internet, original utility bills should be scanned and uploaded. Utility bills does not include mobile phone bills or a store/charge card statement.)

Please note, each of the documents provided must be dated within the last 6 months in order to process your application.


For each different organisation name on your application add one form of ID from List A and one form of ID from List B into the upload box below.


5. Terms and conditions

Royal Mail gives no guarantee that your new address will remain confidential. If we cannot deliver an item to your new address for any reason it may be returned to sender with the new address showing. We reserve the right to refuse to redirect mail and to end the arrangement at any time. If only part of your business or department is moving, please use our Royal Mail Business Diversion service at Please note, we can only redirect Royal Mail deliveries and will not be responsible for the delivery service provided by other postal operators.

How we use the data provided on this form is described in our terms and conditions. This may include passing your applications details and information regarding the status of your Redirection, to organisations to prevent fraud and money laundering and depending on your business size and/or choices you made on the form, passing some of those details to other organisations who you already have an existing relationship with for updating purposes. For full terms and conditions visit where you can also find a link to our privacy policy referred to in them. To obtain a paper copy of the terms and conditions or the privacy policy, please write to Royal Mail Redirection Centre, Trent House, Media Way, STOKE-ON-TRENT ST1 5ST or call Customer Services on: 03457 777 888. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, we offer a Textphone service on 0345 600 0606. Calls may be recorded, monitored and used for training and compliance purposes.

Use of data

We may inform other organisations that you are no longer at the old address. We may also pass your application details and information regarding the status of your Redirection to organisations to prevent fraud and/or money laundering. We may pass the business name, old address, new address, number of employees, company registration number, company type, telephone and move date included on the Redirection form on to organisations who already have an existing relationship with you for updating purposes. If you are a sole trader or a company with 10 employees or fewer and you do not wish us to do this, please select the box below. Further information about the use of your data is also contained in the Business Redirection terms and conditions.

Please see our Business Redirection Terms & Conditionspdf, 252.05 KB for further information. 


You must agree to the following to continue with your application:

By clicking submit you declare that you have full authority to redirect the mail on behalf of the person(s), business(es) or organisation(s) named in section 1:

  • By clicking submit on this form you agree to the Business Redirection service terms and conditions for and on behalf of each person, business or organisation named in section 1
  • If you are submitting this form on behalf of a deceased sole trader, you agree to the Business Redirection service terms and conditionspdf, 252.05 KB.

6. Next steps

We will contact you regarding your application within two working days.