In reverent memory of those members of the Twickenham head branch and sub. post office staff who lost their lives in the service of their country while serving with the Naval and Military forces of his Majesty during the Great War of 1914-1918. "Their name liveth for evermore."
C.E. Bailey - 6th Batt: City of London Regt. Killed in action at Hollebeke, Belgium. 24/7/17., H.G. Barnes - 1st Bedfords, 5th Divn. Killed in action at La Basse, France on Oct 19.1914., L.N. Bishop - 1st Batt South Wales Borders. Died on September 20th 1914., W.J. Burt - 14th King's Hussars. Died of wounds in Mesopotamia on September 29th 1917., W. Clarke - 6th Royal West Kent Regt. Killed in action at Loos on October 8th 1915., A.C.T. Clifton - 1/6 East Surrey Regt. Pris. Of War, died in Adana Hosp. Turkey 14/10/16., A.G. Collyer - 20th Div. King's Royal Rifles. Died May 25th 1915., H.T. Cope - 1st Battalion Rifle Brigade. Died of wounds in 20th General Hospital: France. On Dec: 28th 1916. , T.R. Dyer - 6th City of London. Died of Wounds in War Hospital, Epsom, England on June 1917., E.A.V. Gardner - Royal Field Artillery. Died of Wounds at Ypres. Oct 16th 1917 , W.A. Newton - 8th Royal Fusiliers. Killed in action on May 2nd 1917., A.J. Plastow - Northamptonshire Regt. Killed in action at Ypres. Aug 10th 1917., A.C. Pratt - 9th Fusiliers. Killed in action at Arras, France on May 3rd 1917., S. Smith - Royal Navy. Torpedoed while on board H.M.S Aboukir in the North Sea. Sept 22nd 1914, E.W. Stimpson - 8th London (P.O. Rifles) Killed in France on May 25th 1915., C.H.W. Tibby - 4th Middlesex Regt. Killed in action at Aubers Ridge 21/10/1914., S.J. Vaughn - Royal Engineers. Killed in action in France on November 12th 1915. , C.A. Stevens - Motor Transport, Army Service Corps. Died in hosp Salonica on Dec: 4th 1918., E.A. Wooderson - Labour Corps formerly Royal Fusiliers. Died in France Feb 26th 1919
This memorial is wall-mounted in the callers office.Accessible during opening hours.

51.4560076, -0.3365719
Twickenham Delivery Office
Rugby Road
United Kingdom