This tablet is erected by the members of the staff in the Sunderland postal area in honour of colleagues who served their King and country and to perpetuate the memory of those who lost their lives in the Great War 1914-1919.Fallen (dedication names), Served (dedication names). To the glory of God and in honoured memory of (dedication names) who made the supreme sacrifice in the Second World War 1939-1945 and in gratitude for the lives spared.
Corben. H.W., Farr. C.W.H., Davison. G.W., Glansfield. C.W., Hughes. W.H., Lockey. R., Morrison. A. H., Paulin. J. W., Pringle. W.J., Robson. H., Starling. T., Stobbs. J.M., Walker. J. W, Airey. E.T., Alexander. W., Armstrong. J., Ayre. W., Bainbridge. F., Banks. R., Barrett. J.W., Barrett. G., Beadnell. J.J.H., Beatty. T., Bellas. L., Betts. J.C., Bewick. G.A., Blacklock. R., Boardman. A.E., Boughton. F.J., Brady. F., Bristow. A.E., Brook. J., Bunn. J.G., Burn. D., Cameron. C.K., Clarke. E.H., Clarke C.E., Cockerill. F., Codling. I.J., Colling. J.W., Colquhoun. R., Cook. E., Cook. F., Craig. G.H., Dougherty. T., Douglas. R.M., Drewrey. R.W., Fairless. R., Forster. H. J. T., Frankling. J. W., Frost. W., Fulton. P.F., Gair. A., Gale. G.H., Gilchrist. C.Mc., Green. J.S., Guthrie. W.A., Hancock. J.G., Hannah. T.E., Hardy. J., Hayes. W.T., Henderson. E., Herring. G.W., Herod. A., Hodgson. G.R., Horsley. M., Hutchinson. R., Jewitt. H., Johnson. J.H., Jones. W.T., Joycey. M. W., Knowles. J.G., Landells. R., Linfoot. C., Lister. M., Longstaff D., McGann. G.V., McGlen. V., McKenzie. H., Mallory. J.W., Marley. R.T., Martin. R., Martin. P., Maxted. A., Melton. E., Milburn. Alan., Moon. E.C., Morrison. T.H., Newby. G., Nicol. J., Noble. G.W., Old. J.H., Oliphant. J.B., Parker. F.F., Pearce. J., Potts. L.V., Pratt. W., Rendell. D.T., Richardson. T.H., Riddell. D., Robson. A., Robson. E.T., Robinson. A.J., Robinson. H. T., Rose. H.O., Rowntree. J., Russell. G., Sanderson. E., Schorah. E., Schorah. B., Shee. J. T., Sim. J., Smith. H., Smith. G., Stafford. H. W. T., Stenger. C.V., Stirling. D., Stokle. J.W., Stonehouse. R., Stoddart. W., Swatman. P., Swinson. E., Taylor. C. J., Thompson. J. W., Thompson. W. T., Topham. T., Trotman. F., Turnbull. J.H., Ure. H.O., Vosper. G., Walker. H., Ward. J.S., Warren. F., Watson. James., Watson. Jer., Watts. J.M., Webb. J., Welch. J. L., Williamson. J., Woodyet. E., Wilson. M.W., Miss F.J. Edwards, Miss M. G. Everatt, Miss. D. Fordyce, A. Anderson, G. Forster, F. Gurr, T.W. Home, J. Johnson, J.P. Renton, S. Richardson, A. Sayers, R. Telford, G. Thornton
This memorial is located next to the bureau and postshop.Access to the public Mon, Wed-Sat 9:00-17:30, Tue 9:30-17:30.

54.9056852, -1.3818448
45-47 Fawcett Street
United Kingdom