When in 1899, yourself and 33 comrades who held appointments in the Southern (Scotland) District of the post office department rejoined the army for active service in South Africa, it was the unanimous opinion of those who were officially associated with you that they should endeavour in some fractional way to minimise the consequences of war to your families and dependents and at the same time demonstrate their admiration for colleagues who were fulfilling the highest duty of citizenship.
A fund was therefore opened to the management of which we were appointed, and the following objects were set before us
1. We were to relieve as far as possible cases of distress arising from any cause, in the families of the postmen who had rejoined the colours.
2. We were to augment the allowances from government services so that whether the postmen were married or single the income ordinarily received by their families or dependents should suffer no diminution during the war.
3. We were to distribute equally amongst survivors on their return to post office employment, any sum which might remain in hand at the end of the war.
It affords us high pleasure to welcome you back to duty in the post office and to assure you that the admiration of your colleagues for the courage and devotion which you and your comrades displayed was such that funds considerably in access of the amount required for the first named objects were freely placed at our disposal.
The movement was cordially supported in every part of the district and contributions were sent to us regularly week by week by officers of all ranks from telegraph messengers upwards
Whilst the war was in progress we made advances amounting to ÂŁ86..11..0 and notwithstanding the fact that long before peace was proclaimed we felt justified in announcing that further contributions were not likely to be acquired and we find that after defraying all expenses, we are in a position to forward to you with the address the accompanying purse of sovereigns.
On behalf of all ranks and classes of your colleagues in the Southern District we desire to say that we are proud of your achievements and of the honour which your conduct during the war has brought to the post office service.
In name of the Subscribers to the Southern District (post office) War Fund. We beg to remain Faithfully yours.
Post Master, Greenock
Postmaster, Ayr
Postmaster, Paisley
Postmaster, Kilmarnock
Surveying Department, GPO Dumfries, Secretary & Treasurer
Surveying Department, GPO Dumfries, Assistant Secretary & Treasurer
Names of Officers of the Southern (Scotland) district post office who served in the war.
List of Principal Engagements in which officers of the Southern (Scotland) district of the post office took part. Belfast, Bethlehem, Dewetsdorp, Driefontein, Enslin, Koodoosberg Drift, Ladysmith, Laings Nek, Lindley, Mafeking, Magersfontein, Modder River, Oliphants Nek, Overfontein, Paardeberg, Poplar Grove, Rhenoster River, Sand River, Sunday River, Senekal, Winburg.
D. Bell, D. Cameron, J. Cox, H. Daffurn, J. G. Dickie, P. Dusey, J. Edwards, W. Erskine, H. Finning, J. Galletly, R. Glance, J. Golden, W. Henry, W. B. Hill, W. S. Hunter, J. Hutchison, W. Johnston, J. S. Mcdonald, J. G. Mcdowell, C. T. McLeod, C. McNab, J. A. Martin, J. Mitchell, J. Reid, W. Rennie, J. Robson, T. A. Russsell, J. Shields, J. Stevenson, W. Stevenson, W. Stevenson, W. J. Sutherland, J. Thomson, J. Turner
This memorial is located in the british postal museum & archives repository.Access to the public Mon-Wed, Fri 10:00-17:00, Thur 10:00-19:00.

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