Roll of honour Great War 1914-1919. Staff of Peterhead postal district.
Alexander C. Adams - Postman - Peterhead - Private, Labour Crops - Home Service, Walter L. B. Anderson - Mechanic - Do. - Sapper, Signals, Royal Engineers - North Russia, George Beagrie -Telegraphist- Do. -Sapper, Signals, Royal Engineers - German East Africa, William Birnie -Postman - Mintlaw Stn. -Piper, 5th Gordon Highlanders - France, John P Black - Do. - Maud - Bombardier, Royal Field Artillery - Do. - Wounded, Alexr. M. Buchanan - Do. - Longside - Corporal, 2nd Royal Scots, 1/8 London Reg. -Do., Simon Cameron - Do. - Mintlaw Stn - Gunner, Royal Field Artillery - Do. - Wounded, James Clark - Do. - Peterhead - S/Corporal, 256 (S.B.) Royal Garrison Artillery - Do., James Clark - Do. - Peterhead - S/Corporal, 256 (S.B.) Royal Garrison Artillery - Do., John M. Coutts - Do. - Do. - Piper, 1st Gordon Highlanders - Do. - Wounded, William Duff - CaretakerDo. - P.O. 1, H.M.D. Devon County (Royal Navy) Dover - Mentd in Despatches, William Findlater - Telegraphist Do. - Sapper, Scottish Horse, R.E. Signals - Gallipoli, Egypt, Palestine, John H. Findlay - Postman - New Deer - Private, 3/5 Gordon Highlanders - Home Service, William Forbes - Do. - Peterhead Corporal, 9th Cameron Highlanders, 8th Labour Coy. France - Wounded, James B Fowlie - Do. - New Deer - Private, 48th Coy. Royal Army Medical Corps. - Home Service, Maggie F. Fraser - Telegraphist - Peterhead - Telegraphist, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps - France, Walter Geddes - Lineman - Do. - Sergeant, Signals,( Royal Engineers) - Do., George Gibb - Telegraphist - DO. - Sapper, Wireless (Royal Engineers) - Do., Henry Gilmore - S.-Postm'ter - Mintlaw - A.C. 1, Royal Naval Air, Service, Royal Air Force - Home Service, Donald D Grant - Telegraphist -Peterhead - Sapper, 51st (Highland) Division Sig. Coy (R.E) - France, William Grieg - Postman - Do. - Sergeant, Scottish Horse; 2/5 G.H., K.A.R.M.I. - Gallipoli, Ger. & Port. E Afr. , John M. Irvine - Do. - Mintlaw Stn. - Private, 1st Gordon Highlanders - France, William Jaffray - Do. - New Deer Sergeant, 2nd Scottish Horse, 13th Black Watch Do.,- Gallipoli, Egypt, Salonica - Wounded , William C. Johnston - Messenger -Do. - Sergeant, 51st Gordon Highlanders - Do., James A. Keith - Postman - Stuartfield - Private, 7th Labour Corps. - Do. - Wounded, James A. S. Low - Do. - Old Deer - Sapper, Signals (Royal Engineers) - Do., Mesopotamia - Wounded, Robert S. Lumsden - Lineman - Peterhead - Sapper, A.H. Cable Section, R.E. Signals - Do, Salonica, Frank D. March - Postman - New Deer - Petty Officer, Signals (Royal Navy) - Cape Wrath, Carnoustie, Hector Mackay - Do. - Peterhead - Lance Corporal, 1st Gordon Highlanders - France, Thomas R. Milne - Do. - New Deer - Driver, 37th and 4th Signal Coys. (Royal Engineers) - Do., John R. Morrison - Do. - Peterhead - Private, 4th and 5th Gordon Highlanders - Do. - Wounded, David Murray - Do. - Do. - Coy. Sgt-Major, 1st Batt. London Scottish -Do., James Murray - Do. - Do. - Private, 789th Labour Coy. -Do., William M. Murray - Do. - Do. - Private, 21st H.L.I., Gordon Hldrs., 11th R.Scots - Do, George Neil - Do. - Maud - Lance Corporal, 1st and 2nd Gordon Highlanders - Do., James C. Paris - Do. - New Deer - Petty Officer, Royal Navy - Fidra Island, Invergordon , Donald Ross - Telegraphist - Peterhead - Lance Corporal, 51st (Highland) Division Sig. Coy. (R.E) - France, George Sellar - Postman - Boddam - Private, 4th and 5th Gordon Highlanders - Do., James A. Sheves - Lineman - Peterhead Sapper, Signals (Royal Engineers) - Do -Twice wounded, John R. Smith - Caretaker - Do. - Argyll & Sutherland Hldrs., M.G. Corps - Do. Twice mentioned in despatches, Alexander Stephen - Postman - St Fergus - Private, Gordon Highlanders - Do., Annie I. Sutherland - Telegraphist - Peterhead - Telegraphist, Q.M.A.A.C. (Wireless) - Home Service, Alexander L Thomson - Postman - New Deer - Private, 1st and 2nd Gordon Highlanders, R.A.O.C - France, Herbert J. Wakefield - Do.- Peterhead - Leading Seaman, H.M.S. 'Douglas' - Royal Navy, George Watson - Do. - Ardallie 14th Batt. Scottish Rifles - France, Lily I. Weir - Telegraphist - Peterhead - Telegraphist, Q.M.A.A.C. (Signals) - Do. - Mentd. In Despatches, John Wilson - Postman Maud - Chf. Pty Officer, H.M.S "Powerful" - Royal Navy
This memorial is located in the welfare office.Not accessible to the public.

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AB42 1AA
United Kingdom