To the glory of god. And in ever grateful memory of the men of of the Nottingham & district post office staffs who fought for God and right in the Great War 1914-1918. The names of those who gave their lives are recorded below (dedication names). Their name liveth for evermore.
Adkin F. R., Alvey W., Aram W., Ash A. P., Bailey W.T., Barton S. H., Beastall C., Beddow G. R. G., Bird S., Bonnett F., Bradley H., Buckley L., Clare J., Clay F. H., Colton H. W., Dryer W., Ellis A. E., Evans R. D., Fewster S. H., Fisher W., Gilbertson W.H., Hart J., Haslam H., Hawkins H. M., Hutchinson E., Hutton J. T., Jackson E., Jones I., Kearns P., Kite S. C. J., Lane C., Ledger F., Lenglet G.A., Lowe T., Marshall J. H., Miller T. C., Miller W., Mills C. V., Oakland E., Parrott E. E., Pegram W. A., Perkins F. B., Perry J. C., Richards T., Richardson E., Riley C., Rose G. F., Scrivener J. E .G, Sharpe J. T., Sharpe W.A., Shepperd C. E., Smith H. E., Snow J. R. H., Spinks W., Stagg A. H., Stevenson T., Sturdy F., Turton A.E., Walker E., Woollands H.
This memorial is wall-mounted on the column near the counters in the public area.Access to the public Mon 8:30-17:30, Tue-Fri 9:00-17:30, Sat 9:00-16:30.

52.954825, -1.1506054
Nottingham Post Office
Queen Street
United Kingdom