
S.W.D.O Roll of Honour. “Greater love hath no man than this, That a man lay down his life for his friends. (John:15-13)


Able, C.C, Andrews, L.S, Ashby, A.L, Atkinson, W.J, Ayres, R.W, Bell, J, Bell, W.E, Bevens, A.H, Black, G.A, Bradley, A, Bradbury, A.S, Broderick, A.R, Bullock, A.A, Brown, H.V, Chenery, W.R, Chapman, S.B, Clarke, H.E, Cooke, A.G.B, Cook, C.E.J, Connor, T.J, Connor, J.A, Collins, T.C, Collins, J.H, Collier, A.J, Collier, E, Crofts, P.J, Culley, A.W, Dace, J.C, Dalton, W.H, Dann, H.V, Debley, E, Dickins, G.C, Drewett, A.G, Ellis, M.G, Fenne, A.W, Fifield, J.P, Finch, V.E, Finnamore, A.T, Flood, A.G, Friend, C.H, Gacon, W.H, Gardiner, W.H, Geard, E.C.S, Gibbons, W.L, Gibney, C, Gifford, E.A, Gilbert, E.C, Goodban, W.H, Goodridge, A.E, Gower, M.H, Griffin, W, Groves, W, Gudyer, J, Guy, A.C.J, Hargreaves, H, Hall, W.R, Heath, T.E, Herrick, E.J, Hill, A.B, Holbrow, G, Holmes, R, Holloway, A.F.J, James, C.J.B, Jeffery, H, Jenner, A.G, Lane, J.C, Langdon, J.H, Land, W, Lawrie,J.W, Lawrence,G.A, Legge, R.H, Lewis, C.E, Macey, S.A, Mackay, W, Maynard, W, McGinnity, F, Miell, H.F, Mitchell, A.L, Moses, W, Mulroy, T.M, Mumford, G, Nichols, A.H, Nicols, H.E, Osborn, H.L, Paisley, W.C, Paskell, A.E, Parsons, W.R, Peters, A.J, Philips, W.J, Phillips, H, Piddington, W.T.F, Pickles, W.B, Pope, G.E.S, Rawnsley, A.F, Reed, A.O, Reyner, F.W, Richardson, W.A, Rodwell, H.F, Robinson, F.J, Rogers, F.G, Row, H.J, Rixon, A.J, Sanders, I, Simpson, A.H, Skerritt, A, Shiells, W.J, Skinner, W.W.S, Sloots, P.H, Stables, M.H, Smith, F.G, Stuart, H.J, Surtees, H, Sweetingham, G, Terry, W.J, Tickner, E.J, Tombs, C.E, Towe, G.A, Twelftree, E.G, Wadman, G.C, Walsh, P, Walsh, J.J, Walton, F.W, Warren, F.E, Warren, E.W, Walker, C, Webb, E.H, Winton, B, Whenmouth, E, Young, GRW, Adams, A.P, Algar, W.B, Bailey, W.E, Banfield, T.H, Barry, J.L, Bayley, R.F, Brackenbury, J.E, Bradin, T, Bruce, A, Burrage, E.A, Chambers, A, Charsley, A.R, Cocks, P.J.F, Coker, A.J, Collins, B.J, Cook, A.J, Cooper, A.F.L, Cowdrey, A, Davis, T.W, Dobeson, N, Evans, D.H, Eves, W.C, Finch, H.C, Flack, H.C.V, Fountain, W.J, Frost, G.J, Gilbert, L.B, Gleen, L.C.F, Glover, G.W, Gower, A.W, Gregg, H, Halls, E.V, Harding, E, Harris, E.B, Harrison, F.J, Headington, E.S, Hibbert, F, Hickson, R.F, Honor, L.J, Hudson, F, Hudson, J.W.T, Hurst, G.E, Hutchings, E, Larby, W.A, Liffen, J, Loader, A.W, Lopez, E, Maguire, M, Maitland, H, Marchant, H.W, Marsh, D.J, Matcham, H.T, Milne, A.R.W, Moran, H.J, Murrell, H.J, Newbury, A.E, Orchard, E.L, Page, W, Percival, H.W.T, Perkins, A.F, Price, E.N, Raven, S.G, Reed, G.W, Richardson, J.J, Roots, P.H, Russell, J.S, Sales, C.J, Searle, J.E, Sherringer, J.E, Skipper, L.C, Snook, A.J, Soper, E.J.C, Steel, H, Stokes, W.E, Swaby, F.C, Swan, E.W.M, Sweeting, F.E, Thorpe, R.J, Traylor, G.W, Underwood, K.A, Walker, E, Watts, J.R, Wayne, E.O, Whitfield, R.V, Williams-Wynne, A.E, Woodward, E.H

This memorial is wall-mounted in the staff welfare area. Not accessible to the public.

London - South Western District Office War Memorial

51.4810874, -0.1339474


53 Nine Elms Lane
United Kingdom