Norwood postal staff and Norwood district telegraph staff roll of honour.Erected by the combined staff of the Norwood post office and the Norwood district telgraph staff November 1920.Dedicated by [canon] W. B. Taylor M.A. Vicar of All Saints, Norwood Nov 21st 1920. Unveiled by J. W. Aston Esq. postmaster Norwood district Nov 21st 1920.
Alger W. H., Birtles A. H., Boucher R. H., Bowell R. J., Caddick W. G., Cockram A. H., Cotton A. W., Cox H. E. M., Kenward R., Kerrigan W. S., Pollard E. T., Rickard, E. F., Alderson, H., Ashby, W. G., Ashwell, A. H., Austin, A. C., Bacon, R., Blake, W.C., Bloomfield, C. E., Bowdery, W. J., Burlace, L. A., Burgess, C. F., Butler, H. G., Coldman, S. H., Connelly, A. G., Deller, D. B., Deeprose, E., Fairchild, S. G., Fish, A. T., Gable, G. J., Garnham, R. C., Garton, R., Green, F. E., Hall, H. F., Hamerston, J. R. P., Hammond, E., Head, H. J., Humphrey, A. S. C., Hunt, S. A., Iles, R. A., Johnson, F., Jones, R. F. C., Lear, W. M., Lee C. L. G., Lewis, W. G. A., Marshall, H., Martin, W. G., Masters, J. F., May, H. T., Miles, B. C., Moulton, O. D., Muller, W., Muir, W., Neal, E. E., Needham, W. H., Newnham, A. J., Partridge, E. J., Pearce, R., Penfold, F., Perry, F. L., Phillips, E. G., Randall, H. E., Rodgman, E., Sales, H. F., Saunders, L. V., Scott, S. T., Seabrook, H., Setterfield, A. W., Seymour, A. A., Somerset, F. A., Thewless, R., Tinworth, L. S., Tomkins, E.J., Walkington, H. F., Walsh, A., Watts, R. H., White, W. H. J., Whitehead, A., Wignall, W. F., Windsor, F.
This memorial is located in the main entrance adjacent to the switch room.Not accessible to the public.

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