Erected by the staff in grateful remembrance of their colleagues whose lives were lost in the Great War 1914-1919. Unveiled by the Postmaster of Hull May 1st 1920 Local Joint Committee. J. Steeksman, Secretary.
R. R. Barker - E. Yorks, H. Barnby - E. Yorks, F. F. Baron - R.F.A, S. J. Bean - R.N, W. Boothby - E. Yorks, J. Brouchall - City London, H. Carr - N.F., A. W. Charles - R.C.A., C. K. Clark - London Rgt., R. W. Clayton - London Rgt., J. J. O. Crowther - City London , F. Davison - E. Yorks, R.H. Davison - N.F, L. Donnelly - E. Yorks, A. E. Gooderham - R.F.A, C. Gooddill - E. Yorks, T. Grant - R.N., R. W. Gray - R.C.A, T. H. Green - M.C.C, A.W. Harding - R.E, F. Harrison - E.Yorks, J.E. Hasnip - City London, H. Hewitt - R.E., E. Hilton - E. Yorks, S. Howcill - City of London, G. E. Jackson - City London, H. Loftus - E. Yorks, S. T. Maynard - London Rct., F. S. Monsey - City London, A. Osbourn - E. Yorks, H. J. Paulsen - E. Yorks, W. H. Poucher - R.N., T. Price - R.C.A, C. Robson - Rifle Brigade, H. Selby - E. Yorks, H. W. Shanks - M.C.C, H. L. Sharp - W. Yorks, C. H. Standland - R.N., W. E. Swift - E.Yorks, R. H. Tasker - E.Yorks, S. D. Usher - R.F.A, H. H. Watson - London Rct., R. P. Whitaker - R.C.A, A. E. Wiles - R.E, E. W. Woods - E.Yorks, G. W. Wray - R.C.A
This memorial is wall-mounted in public side of callers office.Not accessible to the public.

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Hull City Delivery Office
St Peter Street
United Kingdom