Members of the staff who served their King and country in the Great War.
Beaumont. A. E., Beaumont. R., Behee. H., Bedworth. A., Bentley. W., Bird. A.D., Brearley, A. M., Broadhead. A., Buckley. G., Buckley. J., Capener. H. E., Capindale. N., Carter. J., Carter. C. E., Cassidy H., Chapman. F. W., Chessman. G. F., Collett. A., Connolly. N., Clark. P., Clayton. E. D., Berry. L., Taylor. E., Cooke. A., Cooke. F. J., Cox. W. J., Cross. H., Crowther. A., Day. J., Day. T., Dickinson. W. G., Dobson. R., Dyson. S., Fairclough. J. C., Fielden. J. E., Firth. W. H., Fletcher. D., Foster. J. W., Garvey. J., Gledhill. A. W., Greaves. F. W., Green. H. W., Greenwood. H., Hall. N. A., Halsworth. J., Haigh. C. D., Halliday. K., Hey. W. E., Broadbent. W. E., Hamer. J. E., Hartley. W., Henderson. E., Henderson. J., Hey. A., Hollas. A., Hollas. H., Holloway. J. W., Holroyd. W., Houston. G., Howarth. A. W., Hulbert. T., Kershaw. B., Kilburn. H., Lawton. J., Lee T., Lee. V. W., Lister. C. W., Lord. G. N., MacCallum. D. V., Maguire. J. P., Manton. M., Marshall. A., Boardman. K., Earnshaw. G. E., Bates. C., Maude. A., Midgley. D., Newsome. W. H., Normanton. H., Normanton. R., Nutter E., Nutton. A., Ogden. G. A., Ogden. H., Perry. E., Pickles. H., Pigott. J. A., Poole. A., Priestley. J., Priestly. W., Race. T. W., Read. C. T., Rhodes. F. V., Richardson. P., Saxton. V., Scarborough. J. H., Sellers. A., Sutcliffe. J., Mellor. N., Cockburn. M. E., Sharp. J. E., Shea. A., Sheard. V., Sherwin. E., Standeven. P., Stansfield. G. H., Stubbs. T., Sunderland. B., Surtees. J., Sutcliffe. S., Sykes. J. T., Talbot. H. J. E., Talbot. W. W., Town. L., Wadsworth. J., Walsh. L., Ward. J. H., Whiteley. A., Williams. J. G., Wilson. S., Wolfenden. A. M., Woodhead. B., Lumb. M. D., Briggs. J., Richardson. E. J., Wade. G.
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