In proud memory of the men of Greenock and District Post Offices who gave their lives in the two World Wars. 1914 - 1918 (dedication names), 1939 - 1945 (dedication names). We shall remember them.
Carchrie. D. Mck., Easson. T. L., Finlay. W., Gallacher. J., Halliday. W., Haughey. C., Hay. H. M., Murray. N., MacIntyre. R., McAllister. J., McCallum. D., McDougall. A., McGinlay. J., McKellar. W. M., McKinnon. A., McMurray. A., McPherson. G., Paul. J., Scott. J. McK., Slaven. J., Bruce. G. S., Cameron. A. G., Edgar. J. R., Halbert. G., Moore. D. J., MacArthur. J. D., McArthur. J. W., Scullion. J.
This memorial is located on the wall next to the public counter.Accessible to the public during opening hours.

55.9467836, -4.7528133
Sub Post Office
74-76 Cathcart Street
PA15 1DD
United Kingdom