In memory of the 224 members of the staff of the Edinburgh post office who lost their lives in the Great War 1914-1918.And of the 45 members who gave their lives in the War of 1939-1945.
Adamson H.A., Allan D., Allison J.F., Anderson J.L., Anderson J., Armstrong T., Bain R.H., Balgarnie W., Barclay P., Bassett W.G., Beaton R.P., Bell F.A., Bell J., Bellmann G., Bertram G.D., Birse A., Blackie W.B., Boath W., Borthwick D., Brash D.M., Brooks H.R.J., Brooks W.H., Brown A.W., Brown G., Brown W., Cameron D., Campbell A., Campbell D., Castle W., Chisholm A., Chisholm A., Clark D., Claugher H., Clifford D.B., Coffer J., Cornwall R.M., Cox J.B., Craig A., Craigh J. McD., Currie A., Dalgleish W.S., Dalziel W.G., Daniels A., Davidson W.S., Dawson R.S., Dickson J.B., Doig A.S., Donaldson W., Donaldson W., Douglas J.H., Downie H.A., Downie W., Duff W.B., Duncan J.D., Duncan J.F., Duncan T., Durie A., Dykes J.W., Edgar T., Elder A., Fairley W.D., Ferrier W., Forbes J.M.A., Fraser A.J., Fraser H.B., Fraser T.C., Furness N, Furness R.A, Gall C.M., Garrick C., Gilbert G., Gilmour W.T., Gordon J.A., Graham D., Graham G.G., Grant G.S., Grant R.W., Gray H., Gray W. S., Grubb A., Gunn G.E., Gunn P., Halloran J., Hastings H., Hay W.H.E., Henderson A.K., Henderson R., Heriot J., Herkes R., Hewitt W., Holmes G.W., Holton A., Hood J.K., Hood J.L., Hunter A.J., Hunter J.M., Hutton J., Irvine J.G., Jack C.D., Jack W., Jameson R.A., Jamieson J., Jenkins T.Y., Johnstone J., Kay J., Kelly J.M., Kemp T., Kinnear D.S., Kissock C., Laidlaw J.B., Lawson W., Leitch J., Leith J., Lennie J.A., Lewis J., Lindsay D., Lonnie W., Lumsdaine A.S., Lunn D.W.C.M., McArthur J.R., Macbean A., McCann W., MacDonald H., McDonald J.T., McEntee M., Macfarlane C.M., McGill T., McInnes G.M., McIntyre D., Mackay J.D., Mackay R., Mackay S., Mackenzie D., Mckenzie J., McKenzie J.M, McLachlan D.F., McLean M.C., Mcnamara F., Mcpherson J., Magee W.D., Marshall H., Mein R., Melrose A.B., Menzies J.M., Millar J.O., Miller W.R., Mitchell A., Mitchell J.B., Mitchell J.J., Moncrieff P., Monro J.L., Morison M.J., Morris R.D., Morrison A., Morrison R., Moyes J.M., Munnoch J., Munro A., Munro J., Murchison R.C., Neilson J., Nicolson G.R., Noble G., Osbon F.J., Ovenston D.G., Pendreigh G., Preston J.M., Rainbird I., Rankin J., Reid J., Reid J.M., Reid J.R.A., Rennie J.C., Renton R., Rhynas J.E., Rickards W., Robertson C., Robertson G.B., Roberston W., Rodgers A., Ross A.M., Sayers J.H., Scott J.A., Sime J.S., Smellie J.P., Smith R.A., Smith R.P., Smith W., Steedman J.H., Steven R., Sutherland R.N., Suttie J., Swanson W., Tait G., Tait T., Taylor J., Temple G.W., Thomson D.S., Thomson J., Thomson J.A., Thornton J., Thornton J., Tod W., Tweeddale J., Urqhart J.D., Urqhart J.S., Waddell L.C.F., Watt W., Watt.W., Webster J., White A.H., Whyte P., Wightman J., Williams D.D., Williamson J., Wilson G.S.S., Wilson N.M., Wilson W., Wilson W., Winter J., Wood D., Wood J.M., Young A.K., Young C., Ball F.W.E., Berridge W., Blackie J., Brook C.T., Burnett C.M.D., Cairns R., Campbell I., Cowe A.G.R., Cuthbertson I.C., Dowling F.H., Fairgrieve J., Flannigan J., Gillanders J.A., Glancy P.F., Graham H.G., Grierson W.A., Handyside A., Henry W., Johnston G.G., Kean J., McEwan P., Mackenzie F.R., Mackenzie G.C., McCleod K.R., Mason R., Moncur N.B., Murray J.A., Nunn J.A., Nunn J.J., Park D.K., Patterson D.C., Ross A., Sampson A.W.V., Simpson A., Stark T., Stevenson E.K., Strachan R.A., Swan J., Taylor R.A., Teviotdale E.A., Wallace W.M., Walters P.C., Watt J.A., Wright R.E.
This memorial is located externally in the garden.Access is by appointment.

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11 Cultins Road
EH11 4YY
United Kingdom