To commemorate the services of the staff of Blyth post office who served in the Great War 1914-1919. + Killed in Action
Edward White Armstrong. Royal Engineers, +John Bell. Post Office Riffles, John Connon. Gordon Highlanders, Daniel Evans. Royal Engineers, James Evans. Army Service Corps, James Farquharson. Royal Engineers, Thomas Hutchinson. Labour Corps , Fred Ibbotson. Royal Engineers, John W. Jobson. Royal Navy, Joseph W. Lilley. Lincolnshire Regiment, Michael H. Mason. East Yorkshire Regimen, +George H.J. Parker. Royal Engineers, Joseph S. Porter. Royal Field Artillery, Robert Potts. Royal Field Artillery , James R. Pringle. Royal Engineers, +Arthur Riggall. West Yorkshire Regiment, Christopher Robson. Royal Engineers, John W. Robinson. Royal Engineers, Harrison Summerville. West Riding Regiment, Arthur A.G. Tate. Royal Engineers, Frank Wallace. Coldstream Guards, John T. Wilson. Labour Corps
This memorial is located in the staff lobby above the entrance door.Not accessible to the public.

55.1275507, -1.5068835
Blyth Delivery Office
21 Bridge Street
NE24 1AA
United Kingdom