Hockley Branch office Birmingham Erected to the glorious memory of our comrades killed in the Great European War 1914-19
Pte: G. Taylor R. War: R. Killed in Action 1914 , Gnr: W. M. Stevens R.C.A. Killed in Action 1914, Pte: G. Garbett R. War: R. Killed in Action 1915, Pte: A. Ensor Worc: R. Killed in Action 1916, A. Gill V.C (Awarded Victoria Cross) K. R.R. Killed in Action 1916, Pte: F. Hubball R. War: R. Killed in Action 1916, Sgt: T. Moseley R. War: R. Killed in Action 1917, Cpl. S.E. Lapworth R. War: R. Killed in Action 1917, Gnr. H. Mayneord R.F.A Killed in Action 1917, GNR. W.G. Redwood R.F.A Die of Wounds 1918, Pte.J.R. Hall. P.O Rifles Killed in Action 1918, Pte. L. W. Woodward Ox and Bucks Killed in Action 1918
This memorial is located on the the rear wall of the sorting hall.Access is by appointment.

52.492639, -1.9129066
Hockley Delivery Office
21 Hockley Hill
B18 5AP
United Kingdom