In honour and remembrance of the non-comissioned officers and men who lost their lives in the faithful performance of their duty to their country during the South African campaign of 1899-1902. Named Individuals - Q.M Sergeant (dedication name), Sergeants (dedication names), Col. Sergeant (dedication name), Corporals (dedication names), Privates (dedication names). Erected by their comrades.
D. Donoghue - London W., T. R. Amery - London C.O., P. Caney - London S.E., J. T. Duncombe - London C.O., C. E. Minnards - London C.O., W. J. A. Rudderman - London S.E. , S. Watson - London C.O., G. R. White - London N. , T. Feldwick - London S.E., F. W. Bruns - Kircaldy, F. Cartlidge - Leeds, R. L. Harrison - London S.E., W. S. Lowson - Kircaldy, A. C. Skegg - London C.O., D. Baker - London C.O., J. Gobel - London C.O., J. S. Layzell - London C.O., F. W. Rusk - London C.O., C. H. Chamberlain - Stanmore, E. Harris - A.G.D., R. Mills - London S.W., K. C. Sanders - London C.O., A. Juffen - London C.O., G.W. P Davey - London E., W. J. Heaford - London S.E., G. Platt - Liverpool, O. R. Squirrell - London C.O., F. J. Wood - London S.E., A. T. Gribblev - London C.O., E.F. Howes - London S.W., A. L. Prebble - London N., T. Taylor - London C.O.
This memorial is located in the British Postal Museum Store.Access is by appointment.

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