Door to Door Online Demo

Add new sectors to a booking

Stages 4 of 6 Add to an existing booking

To quickly add a sector to an existing booking, choose 'Request sectors online'. Alternatively, you can add a sector by downloading the Excel Sector File, filling it in offline and then uploading it later. Use the 'Excel Sector File' text link to see an example of what it looks like.

Next Stage

Choose the 'Request sectors using Excel Sector File' button or the 'Request sectors online' button to continue with this task.

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User: Angela Barnes
Your company name: ABC Insurance
Your company code: 06R12345

Add to an existing booking

Booking reference: 0123450

Enter the details of the sectors you wish to add to your booking. You can do this online by downloading our Excel Sector File to complete offline and then upload.

Request sectors using Excel Sector File

Request sectors online