Door to Door Online Demo

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Stages 3 of 3 - Booking details

This is where you'll see a summary of your booking and leaflet details. You can still edit, review and cancel your booking online at this stage. Once your booking is confirmed, however, any changes will be subject to terms and conditions.


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User: Angela Barnes
Your company name: ABC Insurance
Your company code: 06R12345

Booking details

Booking summary

Booking reference: 0123450
Booking status: Provisional
Booking year: 2007/8
Number of items: 50,033
Confirmation by: -
Booking value: £3,500

If you would like to see the details behind this booking summary please click on the 'view booking contract' link.

Leaflet details

Format: 0g to 20g (and no more than 5mm thick)
Handling charges: None
Advertising: Insurance – Motor
Coverage: Mainly residential addresses

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Confirm this booking

Before confirming this booking, please check the booking details above and read the Door to Door Online Terms and Conditions. If you are happy with both, please click the 'Confirm booking' button below.

Confirm booking