Door to Door Online Demo

Check Availability

Stages 2 of 3 - Check sector availability online

Enter the Area, District and Sector codes here to check the availability of your preferred postcode sectors and dates. You'll also see the detail of what you're advertising and the dates you want to check, which appear from the previous screen.

Next Stage

Use the 'Request sector availability' button to continue with this task.

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User: Angela Barnes
Your company name: ABC Insurance
Your company code: 06R12345

Check sector availability online

To check the availability of your preferred postcode sectors and dates, just fill in the fields below. Then submit your enquiry by clicking on the 'Check sector availability' button.

You are checking the availability of Insurance – Motor between the dates of 11/08/2008 and 01/09/2008.

Postcode sectors to check

A postcode is made up of three parts; the Area, District and Sector. For example OX1 5AA is where Area = OX District = 1 and Sector = 5.
  • To check the availability in a whole area, e.g. OX, type OX in the 'Area' box only and leave 'District' and 'Sector' blank.
  • To check the availability in a district, type OX in 'Area' and 1 in 'District', and leave 'Sector' blank.
  • To check the availability of a specific postcode, type all of the postcode sector details – e.g. OX1 5.
Area District Sector
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
Row 6
Row 7
Row 8
Row 9
Row 10