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Business Reply and Freepost Plus help

Business Customers Help Centre

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Business Reply and Freepost Plus help


 Response Services User Guide

 Response Services application form

 Response Services Admail Application Form

 Credit application form for Response Services with stamps

 Royal Mail General Terms and Conditions

 4 State Jack1 Barcode November

 Royal Mail specific terms for response services

 Licence Barcode Encoder November

Please note: the latest rate card can be found here

Frequently asked questions

What if I change fulfilment house?

Just set up a Diversion. That means that we forward your response mail to your new fulfilment house. We need written agreement from the new fulfilment house who will receive your mail. Send the agreement to



Royal Mail Response Services Team
PO Box 740
S73 0ZJ

What if I move to a new address?

You need to apply and pay for a new licence - and let us have the following information:

  • present licence number
  • account number
  • company name
  • old address
  • new address
  • contact name
  • telephone / fax / email

These details should be sent to:

Email to:

Or by writing to

Royal Mail Response Services Team
PO Box 740
S73 0ZJ

What should I do if I change the design of my envelope during the licence period?

If you change the design of your envelope that’s fine, but you’ll have to send us another proof for approval.

Can my envelope design be checked before printing to avoid printing errors that could prevent me from getting the most from the service?

Yes. For a full check, you’ll need to post a sample envelope to the following address:



Royal Mail Response Services Team
PO Box 740
S73 0ZJ

However, for a limited check, you can email a PDF image of the envelope design to

Can I get help with creating my response mail piece?

Yes. Once you’ve applied and received confirmation of your new response address and licence details you'll soon be able to use our artwork generator.

How do I apply?

Complete an application form and return it to the Response Services Support Team at the address below:



Royal Mail Response Services Team
PO Box 740
S73 0ZJ

How do I cancel my old style licence including licences used for Freepost Standard Handwritten?

Please advise us in writing when when you want to cancel your old style licence quoting the licence number you want cancelled and the account number for the licence.



Royal Mail Response Services Team
PO Box 740
S73 0ZJ

Email to:

We will provide a refund for any full weeks remaining on the licence fee for your old style licence.

How do I provide Royal Mail Finance with my Response with stamps envelopes?

Please forward your Response with stamps envelopes in bundles of 50 each week to the following address:

Royal Mail
Finance Response with Stamps
Future Walk
West Bars
S49 1PF

To save you the cost of posting the items you can post the items using Royal Mail’s Business Reply licence number RTGR-EUAT-ECUB.

Was this helpful?

Please send your website feedback here - we won’t reply to your message. If you want to contact us about something that needs a response, please contact us here.

If you have a reference number and want to check where your item is, please use Track your item.