The Royal Mail Blog | Royal Mail

The Royal Mail Blog

Stay up to date with the latest trends, insights, and opinions defining the e‑commerce market.

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How tech developments are changing the way consumers buy

In 2022, 48% of consumers used voice search to make purchases, find out how this, and other tech developments are shifting the landscape of ecommerce, and how you can make the most of them, in our latest blog.

5 international delivery challenges… and how to fix them

We identify five of the biggest challenges with exporting, as cited by businesses and outline some of the solutions that will help you improve your overall customer experience and encourage repeat business.

Seasonal trends to help you plan for your peak

Whatever time of year you expect a seasonal boom of orders, preparation is key - and you can never start too early!

How SMEs can boost competitiveness with weekend deliveries

With online retail open 24/7, UK consumers love to shop around the clock. This instant route to purchase has raised expectations of fast, flexible delivery – including next-day delivery at weekends.

The changing views of the conscious consumer

Shoppers’ views on sustainability are shifting: find out what’s new and what your business can do.

4 innovation insights from our first-ever super hub event

On 7th September 2023, over 100 of the UK’s most forward-thinking businesses attended our first-ever event at the new Royal Mail Midlands Super Hub.

Festive ecommerce trends that retailers should know about

What’s happening online and how it might impact your Christmas sales.

Myths and truths: Growing your business internationally

Here we tackle some of the most detrimental myths deterring businesses from taking full advantage of international opportunities.

Is direct mail still a winner in today's digital world?

A strategically designed piece of DM makes a refreshing change of pace.

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If you are sending less than 20 parcels a week the best solution for you is to buy postage online with Click & Drop or the Royal Mail App.