Royal Mail | Royal Mail Group Ltd

Moving home?

Redirect your post to ensure all your important mail moves with you

Set up your Redirection >

Don’t miss the mail that matters

It could be a prize you didn’t know you’d won, a special invitation, or vital information from your GP, bank, solicitors or the DVLA. Maybe even a refund from HMRC. So, make sure your changing address checklist includes redirecting post so that your mail follows you.

With so many things to think about when moving house it can be easy to miss out on who to inform when moving house and who you want to have your new address. That’s why it makes sense to redirect your mail as soon as you can.

How it works

  • Redirection forwards all the mail sent to your old place to your new home
  • You can redirect your mail for 3, 6 or 12 months
  • Prices start at just £39.50
  • It takes up to five days to put in place, so tell us your moving date as soon as you can, and we’ll forward your mail to your new UK or overseas address.
  • Already moved? No problem. Tell us now to make sure your mail follows you to your new address
  • There are discounts available on our redirection service for anyone claiming Universal Credit or Pension Credit.

What you need

You can sign up online, by post or at your local Post Office® branch. All we need for forwarding postal mail is:

  • the names and dates of birth of everybody who needs their mail redirected
  • your old address and postcode
  • your new address and postcode

If you're moving soon, make sure you give us a week's notice to get things ready.